
About Project

  • Illustration
  • Motion Design

By summer, you are hot and by winter, you are cold ? You are searching for a cooling and warming device ? Here is now possible thanks to SNØ, and it’s an app which can do both !

The Brief

How to express the different functions on a new app you don’t know for a device you just bought ? Text ? Nope ! Videos ? Outdated, isn’t it ? Illustrations ? Too immobile ! But… what’s next ? Animations ? Yeah! You rock !

The Idea

For each screen of the app, I wanted to firstly reuse the colours #e8588a & #aed2d6 then represent really realistic the device and the different actions, like in real life of course !

Do you want a Snø ?
Searching for a Snø …
Let's pair your Snø with your phone !

Well done !