What if I challenged my motion design skills?

Last month, I challenged myself to participate in Motiontober, which is a motion design challenge.

First of all, what is Motiontober?

Motiontober is a challenge for animators and motion designers that was created by the Qimono agency. The principle is clear: a list is given and in the manner of Inktober (another challenge during the month of October, but this time in illustration), you have to post your creation of the day on social networks.

You can also discover all the achievements created by the community on their Instagram !

What were the constraints?

Liste Motiontober : défi de motion design

The constraints were simple: animate one word per day following the list that had been sent at the end of July.

I also gave myself another constraint: stick to the Halloween theme (not very original for an October month).

How did the organization go?

It was quite tedious to tell the truth, but that’s why it’s a challenge!

Unfortunately, I started a little late… I first wanted to have most of my ideas and put them in a storyboard, which took me time during the month of September. I didn’t start animating until September 24th to be precise… So I was in a tight flow very quickly!

Despite everything, I was able to enjoy animating every day!

And the result?

31 animations that you can discover in this video!

You can also watch them all on our Instagram with sound effects!

During this month of October, I was therefore able to take the time (not enough for my taste, I had to work for our clients!) to improve myself on several points:

  • Character rig: hence the presence of our friend the skeleton to understand thanks to the Duik script how the bones were articulated. To do this, I put myself in his place by trying to make the same movements (this earned me a few mockeries from Thomas).
  • Regularity and perseverance: it is difficult to remain creative 7 days a week and some subjects were more complicated to represent, but I was able to have the support of Thomas who helped me find or refine certain ideas as well as to resolve certain details.
  • Imposter syndrome: this is unfortunately one of the flaws of any creative person: being happy with what we produce!

Happy with these motions?

Of course, as with any self-respecting creator, I have my favorites. But you won’t know which ones so that I don’t bias your opinion!

I’m especially happy to have finished the challenge on time by respecting all the points: the words, the deadlines…!

Is there also motion design at O’Matic?

Of course!

This is also one of the services that we are looking to promote more and more! As you may have seen in some of our projects like Slim Sonic, SNØ ou le Social O Matic,, we are looking to bring motion or animated illustrations whenever we can! Thanks to them, it is possible to adapt to a brand’s charter (or create one from scratch) very easily!

If you also want to benefit from my motion skills, go to our contact page !