About me


UX/UI & Motion Designer

Sometime thinker, sometime doer, my passion in UI, design and also in motion make my dream to work come true. With my scientific and theoric skills, I analyze apps and website to find the perfect way to bring the project better. With my practical skills, I create design to bring the project prettier. 

My background

Everything begun with a passion : a passion for software, especially those where we might find the famous « Create » button ? You see what I mean ? No ? Don’t worry, it’s just a detail ! It’s just to say that my wish to work in design came to me early, thanks to my artistic parents. To achieve that, I followed a bachelor in graphic design then a master in UX UI, interaction and service design to develop my skills for understanding users to allow them to understand everything.

With 6 experiences for 5 years, such as internship or « real » job, I work in different fields : development & communication agencies, as a designer for a ecommerce brand or also in a construction company to be their graphic designer.
All those experiences allow me to understand different users needs, so as different medium from print to website to mobile apps, everything has his own needs and « needs » to be understood to be perfectly done and adapted to final users.

That’s why I co-founded the O’Matic agency with Thomas Borgognon, to help customers with all their requests and projects.

Few figures

About my work

years in design
Projects and counting…
jobs and intership

My skills

UX UI Design
Mobile app
Motion design
Graphic design

and so on…


“ When I began to work with Chloé, I quickly liked to work with her and that’s why I asked her to redesign my website (that I still have to finish 😅). 
We collaborated on multiples web projects in a communication agency. We continued the collaboration later in an e-commerce company when we are in charge of several website and on my diploma project.
If I have to describe Chloé, she is fast, professional, efficient and I easily put all my trust in her for work. ”

Thomas Borgognon
Web & Mobile developer